Both enable pins can be used at the same time which makes all for outputs active at the same time.All the four inputs and Enable pins work on 5v TTL logic which makes the connection easy with microcontrollers. Current sense pins can be tied to ground but we can also insert low value resistor and its voltage reading is proportional to current. They can be 1N5819 schottky diodes or 1N4001 rectifier diodes.Įach bridge is provided with enable pins (ENA, ENB) and current sense pins (CSA, CSB). To avoid that voltage spikes there should be some internal parasitic or Flywheel diodes. Pair of H Bridge is used to control a bi-polar stepper motor.īasically L298N is used to drive inductive or magnetic loads, so there can come voltage spikes in output. One H bridge is used to switch the polarity in controlling direction of DC motor.
Two of them form H-bridge A while other two form H-bridge B. L298N consists of four independent power amplifiers.